Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
I took at face value that "The batter is out of the box" from the OP.
The runner has about 30' where she can run in fair territory before having to be in the running lane.
I know the OP stated things generically, but as I said, I'm talking about the vicinity of the plate.
Originally Posted by Tru_in_Blu
My point is that if the PU doesn't see it to call it, and the BU does see it, it should be called immediately. If the BU did see it and had to wait for a conference, that's something s/he'll need to work on for the next game/opportunity.
I agree, the dead ball should be called immediately. But, if this happens in the vicinity of the plate, that is as far as the BU should go short of the PU asking for information.