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Old Wed Jun 24, 2009, 11:22am
BayStateRef BayStateRef is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2003
Location: Boston area
Posts: 615
This tells you a lot about how the NCAA operates. Welcome to the world of big-time sports. When it was independent, I suspect the Arbiter did not or could not afford to keep out its competitors. But the NCAA knows very well how to play this "exclusive rights" game.

As for ideas....this is a marketing question. You need to decide how important a trade show is to reach your desired market. Would other methods work: email, snail mail, etc. Most small start-ups undervalue and underestimate the money needed to market their product. The big guys never make that mistake. Marketing decisions often drive product development; not the other way around.

If this show is really critical to your company's marketing plans, you can still go without booth space. You would have to rent a room or something outside of the convention space and somehow invite folks to see your great product at work. Or you can make up CDs or DVDs and hand them out -- outside the walls of the convention space. Or you can figure out how to rent booth space as a company that is not seen as a competitor of The Arbiter.

I suspect that the cost of most other options will be too high for your small company. I knew a guy who owned a small office supply business. One of his accounts was an NFL team, which he had sold to for 20 years. Then Staples came in and made a deal with the NFL that required, among other things, that all NFL teams use Staples as its exclusive supplier. He had no way to compete with that. He could not afford the advertising, cash payments, exclusive contracts, national reach that Staples could. You may be in that position -- which is that of every small business owner trying to compete against the big boys.
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