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Old Fri Jun 19, 2009, 09:39am
kcg NC2Ablu kcg NC2Ablu is offline
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Originally Posted by SanDiegoSteve View Post
I take shots mostly on the forearms, wrists and elbows (rarely does it hit the gear), which is why I like the scissors better, because if done properly, it minimizes exposure of these vulnerable areas. In the box or GD stance or any other squating position, these areas are exposed big time.

Uh, the scissors or taint lock you in just fine, and is, at least to me, much more relaxing and effortless than any other stance.

I started using the scissors my 4th year (1990) and continued until 2004, when I briefly tried the GD (big disappointment to me) and the heel/toe or box (not sure what the hell the difference is there). Neither stance worked for me. I got nailed constantly. The scissors suit my style and I look and feel sharper, and much more confident behind the plate. The scissors allow you an unprecidented view of the plate and strike zone, despite what its detractors say, and the outside corner is very clearly visible.

As far as chiropractors, my back was shot long before I started umpiring, due to a horrific car crash in 1981, so any damage suffered in the scissors goes unnoticed, as I have completely degenerated discs from L-2 to S-1 and a permanent stiff neck.

I disagree with saying the scissors offers an unprecidented view of the zone. I think that for taller guys that stance is more suitable. I (being 5' 10") use the GD because it puts me in the best possible place to view the zone. To say one is better than the other unequivically is close minded. I am not you and you are not me so what works for you may not be for me. My zone blew when I tried the scissors. Now however I am locked in. As for getting hit. I havent got hit very much at all and yes I do work the slot.
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