Area UIC at a City Picnic tourney............pure fun and money..........dream assignment..........but by ASA rules...........grin
He was told to take it easy by the assignor.............
Team he was calling pushed his limit and he ejected a player (for kicking dirt on his shoes)............
Friend comes out to plead his buddy's case and the discussion gets a tad heated.............
UIC tells buddy..........."you two must be riding together".........refering to his ejected friend......
Buddy says..............."HUH"...........
UIC says........with the big finger........"because you're gone too........."
Not an ejection.......but I did see the local HS and SP assignor do this in an 18U game I called with him once.........
Banger at 1st...........he sells a safe call.............
1st base coach asks "How can you call that safe?".........
Without missing a beat.............he says.........."Easy coach........SAFE (selling it)"..........
Then he says......."Wanna see it again? SAFE (again selling it)"..........
The coach never said another word to him.............and I had a good chuckle............