Originally Posted by Robert E. Harrison
... Does an offensive coach have to designate the replacement for an ejected player before the next pitch or may he wait until the team goes out on defense to announce the replacement to the plate umpire? ....Thanks.
Kinda depends on when the O player gets EJ'd, don't it?
If'n he's OUT and EJ'd, then I'd say no need until someone actually subs for him, right? There being no penalty for NOT "announcing" a substitute, whether a designation was [or was not] made "before the next pitch" could have no bearing on the administration of the game.
'Course if he's EJ'd while still at bat or on base and NOT out, the "problem" solves itself since the sub is the player who takes our dumpee's place at bat or on base, with or without any "announcement"; and the game, naturally, will not resume until the replacement has assumed his place in the game.