I'm not sure about doubleheaders, but in my short experience (1.5 years), if my partner doesn't show up, I'd typically receive my game fee, plus half of my partner's.
However, I recently had a JV game where my partner didn't show up and we couldn't get in contact with him. Since it was a non-conference game and one school played spring league and one played summer, it was not likely the game would be made up at a different time. So the coaches agreed to play with just myself as umpire. At the end of the game the head coach of the home team informed me he would try and get me double pay for the game, which I ended up receiving.
An extra to that story - I contacted the assignor about the situation and the no-show. The assignor for that game couldn't get in contact with the no-show umpire, and ended up removing him from all his games for the rest of the summer and gave me the first choice to fill any games that the other umpire was removed from. I was able to pick up an extra two games from that.