Originally Posted by txtrooper
Hey guys/gals I am new to this site and to Umpiring. I live in the Houston area and have been having a great time Umpiring ASA/USFA Softball games. I am curious to how you work the bases in relation to covering the tag up on a caught fly ball. I have been instructed to buttonhook in on all fly ball situations; although it is hard for me to see the catch/no catch and watch the runners tag up. Another Umpire suggested staying outside the diamond and watching the plate umpire for a signal and then watching the tag up. How do you all execute this mechanic? Any suggestions would be appreciated.
Suggest you go to page 253 of the 2009 ASA Rule Book.
Do NOT wait for another umpire's signal since that is not part of the rule as to when the runner may leave the base. Watch the ball touch the glove.