Thread: skull session
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Old Tue Jun 09, 2009, 03:53pm
reccer reccer is offline
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Originally Posted by IRISHMAFIA View Post
A few years ago at the ASA National UIC Clinic they presented a study about that "outside" pitch.

I believed they used a 14-16 yo. Positioned in the center of the BB, she solidly hit the pitch approx. 6" outside the plate.

Have your DD stand in the middle of the BB. That should put her toes about 20 inches from the edge of the plate. Even if her wrists only reach the edge of the BB, there is still 10" of that 33" bat beyond the far edge of the plate. And that is if she is just standing there. She strides into the pitch, there should be no problem getting the sweet spot outside of the plate.

And those pitches are more hitable than the high and low corners which is why umpires pick it up, push it down and take it out.
Results of static test in the kitchen, not at the ballpark:

16 year old 5' 2" female subject was positioned 20 inches from home plate. Her grip was not choked up. Using her regular swing with no stride ("sit and spin") careful NCASA-- this is my daughter her bat does not reach the far edge of the plate, let alone your strike zone edge. Further, even if she casts her arms straight out, the bat does not reach 10 inches beyond the plate.

Gonna be awhile before I can field test this. She is in one of those 16 year old moods.

I wonder how tall was the subject in the test. If you have a link to that study I would love to read it.
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