Originally posted by Dave Hensley
Jim, throughout this thread, you've said:
> There is no official interpretation in this area, except for Little
> League Baseball (all divisions.) Their interp is as I have stated
> above.
> At least Little League agrees with me. Their interpretation is
> official for their organization.
> (remember, it isn't my interpretation, it is Little League's)
> For Little League, what I have outlined is the official
> interpretation.
Can you point me to where the Little League official interpretation you cite is published by Little League? It's not in the official rulebook, the Little League casebook The Right Call, or in any of the Fair Ball newsletters I've received since signing up with the Little League Umpire Registry two years ago. If I were to present this interpretation to my umpiring crew, what do I say when one or more of them say "show me where it says that?"
Contact your region, as I have done. That's where official interpretations can be found when they cannot be found elsewhere. According to ER
and WR, the
official LL interpretation is exactly what I said. ER agrees, WR agrees, Andy Konyar agrees - seems awfully official to me, Dave.
This is not unusual, as you seem to imply. At various times and for various rules, the regions are contacted for
official interpretations and rulings. Any registered umpire can make these inquiries, and any league representative can make these inquiries. You can e-mail them for a generic answer, or you can snail mail them for an official document.
Even Carl, in his
Baseball Rules Differences, has used phone calls to gain valuable official information not covered in any published form. Yet his book remains authoritative and the information contained within it continues to be official and up-to-date.
If your point is that LL could improve upon their communication with its umpires, I would agree wholeheartedly.
Thank you for your valuable input.
[Edited by Jim Porter on Sep 30th, 2000 at 03:23 PM]