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Old Tue Jun 09, 2009, 11:00am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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relevant case book plays

5.6 COMMENT B: If a technical foul occurs after the ball has become dead to
end a quarter, the next quarter is started by administering the free throws. This
applies even when the foul occurs after the first half has ended. It also applies
when the foul occurs after the second half has ended, provided the score is tied.
If the score is not tied, the free throws are administered unless the outcome of
the game will not be affected.
If the outcome is not already decided, the free
throws are attempted immediately as if the foul had been a part of the fourth
quarter. In this case, if any overtime period is necessary, it will start with a jump
ball. The division line throw-in following the technical foul cannot be carried over
to the overtime as the fourth quarter ended with the last free throw. (5-6-4)

5.6.2 SITUATION H: Team A is leading 61-60. B1 fouls A1 in the act of shooting
as time expires. As the officials approach the scorer's table, the Team A coach
rushes the floor and begins screaming obscenities at the officials. RULING: A flagrant
technical foul is assessed to the Team A coach. The foul at the expiration of
time is no longer ignored. The flagrant technical foul on the Team A coach created
a false double foul situation, which may affect the outcome of the game.
penalties are administered in the order in which they occurred. With the lane
cleared, A1 shoots two free throws for being fouled in the act of shooting. If both
are successful, the game is over. If one or both are missed, an eligible player from
Team B shoots the two technical foul free throws. The free throws will determine
the outcome of the game or an extra period will be played. COMMENT:
Jurisdiction of the officials is terminated when all officials leave the visual confines
of the playing area. While the preferred action would be for all officials to
immediately leave the playing area, such an observable action by the coach should
be penalized as unsporting or flagrant. (10-4-1c; 4-19-9; 5-6-2 Exception 3)
5.6.2 SITUATION E: A1 has been awarded two free throws after time has
expired in the fourth quarter. Team B leads 62-60 and A1 misses the first free
throw. RULING: The second free throw will not be attempted. (5-6-2 Exception 3)
5.6.2 SITUATION F: Following the final horn in a game which has Team A leading
62-60, the coach of Team A sprints after the game officials and shouts profanity
at the referee who has just left the playing court outside the end line.
RULING: The referee shall charge the coach with a flagrant technical foul and the
results of the two free throws will determine whether an extra period will be necessary.
The jurisdiction of the officials had not ended as the referee was still within
the visual confines of the playing area. (2-2-4)

5.6.2 SITUATION D: Team A trails 60-59 with just a few seconds remaining in
the fourth quarter of play. A1 is fouled in the act of shooting by B1 but time
expires before the ball is in flight. A1 is awarded two free throws. The coach of
Team B is charged with a technical foul before A1’s attempts. A1 makes: (a) neither
throw; (b) one throw; or (c) both throws. When does Team A shoot the free
throws resulting from the technical foul? RULING: In (a) and (b), the two free
throws for the technical foul are attempted as part of the fourth quarter as the foul
occurred before the fourth quarter had ended. In (a), the two free throws for the
technical foul will determine if an extra period is necessary. In (b), the one successful
free throw ties the game and if either free throw for the technical foul is
successful, no extra period is required. In (c), the two successful free throws dictate
there will be no extra period. The free throws for the technical foul are not
administered as the outcome of the game has been determined.
A quarter or extra
period does not end until all free throws which could affect the outcome of the
game have been attempted and related activity has been completed. (4-41-1; 5-
6-3 Exception; 6-7-7)
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