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Old Mon Jun 08, 2009, 05:37pm
SRW SRW is offline
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Originally Posted by wadeintothem View Post
I've picked up Jessica Mendoza's boy.

I've had lunch With Jenny Finch (not 1 on 1 but she was at our table with my wife and DD)
I've stood with Cat while she signed autograph after autograph.

I've worked the Busto's elite team with Crystal and her dad George as the coach many many times.

NEver once asked for a single autograph.

What if I have to call one of their games?

I may be in dream land that I could get that call. . but I Think you're a little star struck there brother.
Not at all. I wasn't even going to shake her hand or say anything to her. It wasn't until after her dad came up to me as they were leaving that I even considered having her sign anything. Then I gave the ball away to someone, so it's not like there's any "star struckness" going on at all.
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