Originally Posted by mbyron
Like your other posts in this thread, you are again incorrect, as my memory is correct and confirmed by my notes.
Your personal comments about me do not support your case. But thanks for playing. Better luck in the next thread.
Isn't that cute. You have notes that agree with your position.
I had a perfesser like you at UW. He couldn't stand to be wrong either. He dodged, weaved and made accusations just like you.
I'll see your notes, raise you two fourth year insturctors and throw in my notes from school: (which, not coincidentally, are remarkably similar to 8.01 (b)
The Set Position. Set Position shall be indicated by the pitcher when he stands facing the batter with his entire pivot foot on, or in front of, and in contact with, and not off the end of the pitcher’s plate, and his other foot in front of the pitcher’s plate, holding the ball in both hands in front of his body and coming to a complete stop.
From such Set Position he may deliver the ball to the batter, throw to a base or step backward off the pitcher’s plate with his pivot foot.
Now then, as I've indicated before, this is the common, universal description of what F1 may do legally. It is not an exhaustive list by any means. But including the action of a "feint" to the list makes it far less accurate, unless one includes to where a legal feint may be made.
Have good evening perfesser. I see nothing to be gained by continuing a conversation with someone who just cannot admit to reality.
Good luck re-writing the JEA. Just refer to your notes.