Thread: Such a shame
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Old Fri Jun 05, 2009, 03:45pm
Dakota Dakota is offline
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Originally Posted by Skahtboi View Post
Are you implying that with all that has happened over the past decade, anyone can? The whim of government has been arbitrary for quite some time. They no longer answer to the citizenry, but expect the citizenry to answer to them. Americans are slowly, and happily, giving up every one of their civil liberties, and seem to be sleeping through the whole process. This is not a Rep/Dem, conservative/liberal thing any longer, and anyone who tries to keep it that way are just as at fault as the sleeping citizenry.
You are not going back nearly far enough, content as you are to lay the blame on W. It begins with FDR and the idea that it is the government's responsibility to re-distribute private property for political patronage under the guise of "justice". I haven't been a Republican for some time now. W was no conservative, but compared with O he was rock-ribbed. O is a socialist; this country has never experienced a socialist government before; we have one now. The left gets apoplectic over imagined civil rights (foreign combatants have few, if any, civil rights in this country) while cheering the wanton seizure of private property. The latter is clearly far more dangerous.
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