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Old Thu Jun 04, 2009, 07:11am
bob jenkins bob jenkins is offline
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Originally Posted by Robert E. Harrison View Post
Has the new obstruction rule (HS and College) influenced the train wreck at first? A fielder cannot be in the base path without the ball, so a first baseman must let the runner pass and then go after the ball.

Or do we still have train wrecks and thats baseball? Can a first baseman go after the ball with a runner heading to first?

Is first any different from home plate?
The FED rule is different from the NCAA rule is this type of play. A train wreck is far mar likely to be just that in NCAA. In FED, if the collision "denies access" to the base for the runner, then it's obstrcution, and not a train wreck. Basically, the defense is given *more* responsibility for making a bad throw in FED than in NCAA.

I have seen more of this at home than at first -- and most of the coaches (and umpires) around here think it's a "bad" rule.
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