We had a situation last night that was a 3rd strike foul tip off of the catcher's glove, then the ball hit the ground, now foul ball. I was BU, PU was blocked. Here's a situation of a player seeing/thinking something that wasn't...after the ball tipped off of his glove I watched for it to hit the ground, at the time I saw it hit the ground, I called "foul ball." FED catcher was adament that he caught the ball and he probably believes that he still did. He did not. My point...we have to continue to go with what we see and stick to it because as somebody else posted in a different thread..we're the only neutral people at the game...people see what they want to see. From time to time, we'll have to eat one because somebody really did see it differently and maybe we were wrong...but we have to call what we see. Mark's homerun call is very similar. Cognitive Dissonance?
It's like Deja Vu all over again
Last edited by johnnyg08; Fri May 29, 2009 at 08:24am.