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Old Fri May 29, 2009, 12:10am
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Originally Posted by marvin View Post
The call is to enforce the rule. The rule is to "protect" the players. In the some of cases you cite (interference and obstruction) the rule provides a remedy for an illegal action that has already occurred. Even in the case of delayed dead ball calls (obstruction and illegal pitch) the illegal action has already happened and the rule provides the remedy. The way you used "protect" was not in the spirit of the rules, it was meant as sarcasm to denigrate an action that you criticized as "dumb" and unworthy of your "protection". The rules provide protection for the offended team without regard to your opinion of the illegal act.

Whether I'm new or not I feel that using terms like this paints all umpires as unprofessional. The umpires job isn't to decide the value, worth or even "dumbness level" of the players and coaches actions, but whether or not they comply with the rules.
Well, you know what opinions are like? I'd suggest getting over it as it is in common usage on this MB; nonetheless, you are certainly entitled to opinion - its the very nature of this mb.

As for my opinion - some of you guys are spending way too much time worrying about the gravy while completely goofing up the steak and potatoes.
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