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Old Thu May 28, 2009, 11:22pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Originally Posted by OCASA View Post
I understand you may not be very experienced, but after 40+ years of baseball and softball, I know the rules (and our job) are to protect the game, not the players.
Really? Well there have been new versions of the rule book written in the past 40 years - might want to grab a newer copy - it explains your role of protecting players on certain plays.

"Deliberate" is the general consensus to avoid a call. *not* a rule. As already determined, it does not have to be intentional. Per the rules.

This makes no sense.

Your injecting your evaluation of a player into the rules. Weather it was DMC or not, does not dismiss INT, especially *IF* the runner saw the throw coming in. Maybe she did ... maybe she didn't. OP indicates the runner turned back before the throw. INT per the rule book?....weeeelllll .... yeah.


No, its not INT per the book; but you havent read one in 40 years so you wouldnt know that, anymore than your role of protecting a player in certain isntances.

Will we call it? Heck No. Chalk it up as a bad throw. But it is an
In addition to reading the book, you might want to attend a clinic. A book and a good clinic and you might get a grip on this ole INT thing.

I guess I would have to actually watch the eye of the runner to tell if they were looking at the catcher when the ball was released, only then could I say she knew where the ball was, and she had the opportunity to dive back low to avoid contact with the ball.

But lets look at it backwards. Let say the runner did see the throw coming in. And the runner evaded the throw(and injury), but it caused the runner to go out of path and/or miss the base. Would it be OBS? I think so. The runner is awarded the base.

  • if the runner sees the throw coming in and takes a hit, its interference.
  • if the runner sees the throw coming in and avoids INT, and as a result misses the base, it OBS.
  • if the runner dose not see throw coming in and takes a hit, attempted base awarded.
Delayed dead ball.

Originally Posted by OCASA
Big Grin
Really sad.
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