Legally running the bases. I believe that is a rule or concept. Why did the OP writer leave that out of his detailed analysis. Purposely or did not think of it?
If in the line of throw. Too bad for the thrower.
As for OCASA, with over 40 years of umpiring, I don't understand how you could come up with the 3 scenarios you have and think something could be wrong.
I am going to assume you were trying to get a rise out of somebody. If not, . . .
The catcher did what she wanted, threw down to third. Runner did what she was suppose to do: return to 3rd base. Throw hit her. It ain't nothing and to continue to beat this play is perplexing.
Any six year old kid on the sandlot with no rule knowledge would understand -- ain't nothing. (saw that wording in a movie)
Finally, umpires can have opinions of plays independent of the game. We can extricate ourselves from the game, look at a play and form an opinion on a play's intelligence or lack of it. Given that it is done from the keyboard, it is not interjecting. That is a stretch, over reach.
Sometimes players make dumb plays. Are they aware that is a dumb play. May be not but it still can be a dumb play. Those are separate issues and make sure you understand which one the writer is asserting. If not sure, ask.