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Old Thu May 28, 2009, 12:48am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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You make some excellent points. The main problem is that people simply don't read what the rule says and then follow it.

I would NEVER allow a visible white undershirt with a gold jersey. It is not similar. It is a totally different color. Just as blue is different from red.
I would allow yellow under gold or vice versa. Those are just different shades of a color.

I saw a diagram on an NFHS document in the last couple of years (can't remember exactly where right now, but it may have been in the preseason guide) that clearly showed that if the undershirt was visible in the V above the neckline by shading that area in the picture, then it had to be the proper color. Prior to seeing that picture, I had not been diligent about enforcing that, but now I do. Of course, that does not mean that I consider the undershirt to be visible if it only shows when the kid bends over at the waist.

I seriously doubt that there will ever be consistency on this. Just look at the difference between the posts by Brad and me. He doesn't seem to think that having the players tuck in their jerseys or enforcing the coaching box restrictions are important. I take care of those without exception.

Does that mean that I screw up block/charge calls or can't judge blocked shots? Well, I've worked the state tournament in three of the last four years, so it seems that those aspects of my game are okay.
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