The problem is not so much in the rule, but that people are idiots. Um, I mean that it can be interpreted different ways by different officials.
ART. 5 . . . Undershirts shall be a single solid color similar to the torso of the
jersey and shall be hemmed and not have frayed or ragged edges. If the
undershirt has sleeves, they shall be the same length. A visible manufacturer's
logo/trademark/reference is not permitted on the undershirt.
To me, white is "similar" enough to gold to be passable. So is yellow.
The intent of the rule was to avoid confusion -- a white or yellow undershirt with a gold jersey is not confusing.
Unfortunately, we have idiots ... I mean, some officials ... who either don't read the rule book, or have such a gross misunderstanding of the rules, that they enforce rules as they were never meant to be enforced.
These same officials, having expertly enforced the undershirt (or jersey tuck, or coaches box, or some other administrative anomaly) then come out on the court during live play and kick block/charges, call fouls on blocked shots, and in general screw up the part of the game that matters!
I'm not sure that the NFHS or state associations can do much about it though, as there will always be those that simply "Don't get it".