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Old Wed May 27, 2009, 10:21pm
TrojanHorse TrojanHorse is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2009
Posts: 79
Looking for consistency

Here is my rant on undershirts. As a former official and now coach, I sense a lack of consistency in policing the undershirts. I know that in reading this board and conversations with officials, I know you all dislike being fashion police. My problem is the lack of consistency. My questions is, do your boards decide at the beginning of the year what is acceptable and what is not?

In my situation, we had vegas gold uniforms. Its a very hard color to come close on in undershirts. Now, I will preempt this by saying the uniforms were there before I began coaching, and I have since ordered black. But over our season, our kids were told white was ok, then then next game, its not, sometimes it was yellow, or when we had kids wearing black undershirts that were not really visible unless the kid leaned over. But over the course of the year, they are ok, not ok, and back and forth. Now I expect my problem to diminish because of new uniforms, but at what point should I expect some consistency? I can know the rules, explain them to the kids, but when a man/woman in a black and striped shirt tells the kids is ok, they look at me like I am lying.
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