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Old Wed May 27, 2009, 08:44pm
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2004
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My point of view - shaded by the fact I work for the man and in fact have quite a bit of access into peoples bidness is -

Any feints or displays of bravery were long over due a decade or two ago. Whimpering about it on the internet is no supplement for true bravery.. its just simply what we called a BMC - a *****, moan, and complaint.

As of this moment, the vast majority of us bow our knee, write out our written prayer for granting, pay our tax and receive various licensing and registrants from your king granting you your mere privilege to engage in various modes of transportation and means of making a living. Once your prayer is granted by your king you then pay annual or biannual homage to your king to maintain said privilege - ie you are a slave granted privileges for tax properly rendered.

There goes your bravery - right into your wallet as a form of laminated card as proof of said privileged granted pursuant to duty paid - or perhaps even prominently displayed on a wall of your chosing in a cute little frame.

And you can be assured that the enforcement side of your king, of whom I am a slave, has no problem utterly destroying your existence should you even feint a display of bravery.

Bravery, is dead.

Arbiter having your email address is nothing compared to what my little computer at work has access to.

So forget it.

It is finished.

Last edited by wadeintothem; Wed May 27, 2009 at 08:47pm.
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