Thread: Not dribbling?
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Old Thu Nov 21, 2002, 02:13am
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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I have never heard of this "virtually holding" concept. Although, it, like most of what you write on this board, is rather interesting.
I have always thought that the reasoning behind why the play in which a player places the ball on the floor, gets up from the floor, and then picks up the ball is considered a travel was because the rules committee felt that this was a deliberate attempt to circumvent the traveling rule--so they put it into the casebook. 4.43.5B
I have to believe that if the player is upright and holding the ball, the attempting to avoid a rule rationale would not be a factor, and thus, placing it on the floor and letting go would constitute the start of a dribble. I must say that, in my mind, this maneuver qualifies as pushing the ball to the floor. It certainly wasn't lifted to the floor, and if it didn't bounce, then it wasn't dropped either. That leaves pushed.
My ruling is double dribble violation, if the player picks the ball back up and dribbles.
Otherwise, a technical for taunting should be considered depending on the score and situation.
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