Wed May 27, 2009, 10:53am
Official Forum Member
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: VA
Posts: 332
Originally Posted by archangel
In theory (depending on the sich as others have said) it may sound good, but in reality?? ---"Time!, ok, let me have the book, coach......no, thats not the page, ......maybe this one.......nope.......hold on coach, I'll find it.......wait, I think this is it......
Game is delayed, all are watching you thumb through the book, partner is most probably thinking "What the hell?"...
The reason I use this example is because if an umpire is unsure of a rule, he probably will have trouble finding it in the book(lack of studying?). If one is sure of the rule, no book is needed......Or clueing in the coach can wait till after the game
If I am not 100 percent on a rule which its more likely that Im not 100% on an effect of a crazy situation I can damn sure tell you rule and section that I need in the rule sets that I work. aka NCAA PONY ASA NFHS soooo no if you need it get it if you dont then don't. Bottom line PREVENT protests
when the world gets in my face I say Have a nice day
For all those who don't know ... Ed Hickox is the MAN