Those who have answered to this point have conveniently ignored the other aspects that could arise from this play.
Can a runner who leaves third early on a caught fly ball return to third after touching home? What would that runner need to do in order to return to third legally? When does the right to return to third end?
Would a runner who thought she left second base early (but did not), rounded third and then returned to second (legally retouching third on the way back) be put back at third by the umpire?
What about the possible interference scenario if there is another runner on base? The runner who reached home is returning to third because she thinks she is in jeopardy of being put out if she does not, but according to the positions taken here she is a runner who has scored and could therefore be guilty of interference if she draws a throw.
I can not find a rule that addresses these possibilities and would like to know what rule or rules support your conclusion that the runner can not return to third. Until there is an appeal by the defense the only information that the runner has to base their actions on is from them selves and their coaches.