Thread: Tag up Question
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Old Fri May 22, 2009, 12:12am
marvin marvin is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 117
So you are saying that what the runner (and offensive team) thinks does not matter. If the runner tags up properly (does not leave early), she scores even if she returns to third on her own. You can not rule on whether the runner did or did not leave early until the defense appeals, so the runner only has her own and her coaches input to rely on. Rule citations, please.

What if the defense plays on the runner mistakenly returning to third and does not retire her (which you are stating that they can not). Another runner advances during the play (let's say we started with runners on first and third). The runner is now standing back on third and you take her off and count the run. The DC now argues that the other runner should be out because the runner returning to third violated (high school) 8-6-18 which states that a runner who has scored may not interfere with the defense and that continuing to run the bases and drawing a throw may be considered a form of interference.

You have not addressed what you should do in this case if the runner does leave early and when a runner at third loses the right to return to third to properly tag up.
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