Thread: Charged Visit?
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Old Fri Sep 29, 2000, 07:30am
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Jim, I have read the discussions here and for once (G), I totally agree with you.

The bottom line - NO DEALY - DO NOT CHARGE. That's what we teach our new Blues as well during the clinics. As a blue why be a smart a$$$$ss and try to enforce a charged visit when there is no delay.

Also, the more pratical reason - if you have a kid on the mound who has good control - why in the world would you want him removed? Again I just do not see it.

Since you are an Historian of the game, perhaps you can go to the archives and inform us when the rule concerning charged visits, came into play.

If I had to guess, the purpose was to MOVE THE GAME ALONG.
At one time a coach probably conferred with F1 whenever he wanted to, hence the need for a ruling.

Also, another point which I totally agree with you - Can't compare professional umpiring to amateur umpiring. There are other factors in a PRO game such as BIG Business and also the Players Union.

Pete Booth

Peter M. Booth
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