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Old Thu May 21, 2009, 04:35pm
Nevadaref Nevadaref is offline
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Originally Posted by M&M Guy View Post
But that's not what the rule says, is it? And what is the definition of "step"? Is it in Rule 4 anywhere? Is it anywhere in Rules 1-10?

I'm not picking on you directly, because in theory we agree. I'm just trying to point out the fallacy of making a statement like the committee did that has no rule basis behind it, and does nothing but confuse the issue more for the "less informed" (read: coaches, players, fans).

Why not stick with the real rule: Travelling is moving a foot or feet beyond the prescribed limits. Know what the pivot foot is, and what can or cannot be done with it. Unfortunately, none of the rule-prescribed limits has anything to do with the "number of steps".

I'm now going to sit back and let you champion this cause for me.
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