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Old Wed May 20, 2009, 10:29pm
Az.Ump Az.Ump is offline
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Phoenix
Posts: 145
I was there but only as a spectator. The LSU coach need to make the pitching change prior to entering fair territory The penalty is immediate ejection. There is no option. Effect of LSU protested. The protest was settled on the field by reviewing the rule book with the assistant coach while the head coach looked on. If not then...

7.2.6 During play that determines an NCAA qualifier and during NCAA championship
play itself, the coach shall immediately (before the next pitch) notify the plate
umpire of his or her intent to protest. If the game ends (legal contest) in a situation
that can be protested, the offended team has one minute to voice its protest
intentions. All intents to protest must be made to the plate umpire. When a coach
claims that an umpire’s decision violates NCAA rules: After input from one coach of each team, the umpire crew must
attempt to settle the dispute on site by requiring the protesting coach
to identify the alleged rule violation. This should be done in a timely,
professional and nonconfrontational manner using a rules book. The protesting coach has the right to submit a written protest to a
protest committee comprised of the “off” umpire, the umpire in chief (if
not involved with the call) and an additional member (chair) who is: Predetermined by the conference for a conference
championship; The NCAA representative for regional play; or A designated member of the softball championship committee
for the NCAA championship series. If the protesting coach proceeds with the protest: The plate umpire must announce to the opposing coaches
and scorekeepers, official scorer and public-address announcer that
the game is being suspended pending the results of the protest. The protesting coach must complete the appropriate protest
form (provided in Appendix C, on the NCAA Web site or in the
championship handbook) and state the rule in question at the time of
the action or incident that caused the protest. All protests must be ruled upon immediately by the protest
committee. The committee shall confer with the umpires (and the
NCAA softball secretary-rules editor, if available) before making its
decision, and the protest committee chair shall make a written report
to the chair of the respective softball committee and the NCAA
softball secretary-rules editor.

"If they can get you asking the wrong questions, they don't have to worry about the answers."
Thomas Pynchon
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