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Old Wed May 20, 2009, 07:42pm
HugoTafurst HugoTafurst is offline
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Originally Posted by dtwsd View Post
Finally got around to watching this game that was played on Sunday.

Ok - So not only did an LSU assistant coach bring the rule book out on the field, the umpiring crew actually took it and looked at length. I couldn't believe my eyes.

The crew took nearly 10 minutes discussing a situation that apparently stemmed from the LSU head coach being ejected for what the talking heads were saying was two visits to the "mound" (gotta love former Olympic softball players and Beth Mowins) in one inning.

I don't know what the NCAA rule book says about it but I wouldn't think that two conferences in one inning would warrant an ejection. If that was indeed the reason then maybe that was why the LSU assistant coach got the crew to look at the book. Even so I can't believe that the crew actually accepted a rule book from a coach.

Anyone else see this?
Didn't see it, but a second defensive conference IS an ejection....... unless a pitching change is announced BEFORE the conference.

It has been suggested that if you see a coach heading out, you ask if she is making a pitching change.....
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