Originally Posted by UmpJM (nee CoachJM)
While this isn't the NBA, we certainly CAN dump them for leaving the bench to participate in a fight/physical confrontation. The pertinent rule is not 3-3-1a or j, it's 3-3-1q.
In this case, after the rule-prescribed ejections, there would not have been enough participants left to "Play Ball".
Simply leaving the bench may or may not be participating in a fight though.
As I said, I will be writing down numbers on my lineup card of offenders who are participating in the fight/physical confrontation. Simply leaving the bench (unless they were previously warned for leaving the bench during a live ball) we can eject. The MC call doesn't appear to be made yet so the ball is not yet dead so we have that rule in there to support us as well. Please understand, I'm not necessarily disagreeing with you, but if we end up having to forfeit this game, every ejection needs to be supported by a rule...do you feel that simply leaving the bench here is ground to eject?