Originally Posted by jwwashburn
I did not ambush them. That is baloney. I asked permission then I calmly asked a question. That is not an ambush.
Did they
know you were going to ask a question about a call/no call from the game? If not(and probably not), then that is ambushing and putting them on the spot to answer the question. You don't see it that way b/c
you were the one asking the questions. Reverse the roles and you would see it b/c you said yourself if they start on a rule/judgment call, you will send them to the UIC which is avoiding the
Originally Posted by jwwashburn
I do not tell coaches to leave me alone. I am civil and polite.
How you do it is beside the point. You are still telling them to leave b/c they are questioning something which happened during the game and go talk to the UIC(avoiding the ambush).
Originally Posted by jwwashburn
It sounds as if you have an enormous chip on your shoulder.
Avoiding my ambush now. Isn't it great how it is being done b/c I am telling you that you did it wrong. Funny how that is working just the same as you telling coaches to talk to the UIC. These kids didn't avoid the ambush(shame on them). They told you conversation was over, albeit, not nicely(good for them). In your OP, you showed how once they gave an answer, you became argumentative with them. Who is worse, the argumentative coach or the rude umpire? Toss up there.
Originally Posted by jwwashburn
I was not treated the same way I would have treated other coaches. I was completely calm and respectful and they flew off the handle. Their lack of knowledge of the rules and arrogance is going to get someone hurt. Especially when we are talking about OBS.
Then, if you felt that way, question it during the game. If you thought anyone would get hurt, then why did you let 2 incidences occur during your game. Were your own players' safety not on your mind during the game?
Originally Posted by jwwashburn
I waited until after the game because I thought there was a slightly better chance that these two guys might stand a chance of hearing me and getting it right in the future. Judging by their reaction, if I had approached them during the game, I probably would have been tossed.
Well, you will never know since you didn't handle it correctly. You did it wrong from the beginning. You started the whole mess being wrong and now don't know what to do. Also, if you were ejected
during the game, then the UIC would have to review the ejection report. And, guess what, then he could have brought it to their attention and informed them the correct way.
You screwed up. If you want to be a coach, then do your job. Don't be afraid to be ejected if you feel so strongly about getting an umpire to check the rules or change the call. Handle it on the field where some good may come of it. Don't handle it off the field which(as you found out) may get you no where.