[QUOTE=GA Umpire;603509] Then, you should have moved your stuff or waited until they moved theirs. You ambushed them after the game about a rule/judgment call instead of going to the UIC(which you state you would tell any coach to do but did not follow that same logic).
I did not ambush them. That is baloney. I asked
permission then I calmly asked a question. That is not an ambush.
[QUOTE=GA Umpire;603509]Are you beginning to understand the situation yet? You tell other coaches to leave you alone but you felt the need to disobey that same logic. Yet, you say "I am not thin-skinned". It has nothing to do with that. It is called "Baseball Etiquette". When the game is over, it is over. Do not approach the umpires. I don't care how you dress it up of how you would handle it. It is the same thing only you were treated the same as you would treat other coaches. Only, these kids got a little smart with you. Boo-who. Who is not thin-skinned?
I do not tell coaches to leave me alone. I am civil and polite. It sounds as if you have an enormous chip on your shoulder. I was not treated the same way I would have treated other coaches. I was completely calm and respectful and they flew off the handle. Their lack of knowledge of the rules and arrogance is going to get someone hurt.
Especially when we are talking about OBS. I waited until after the game because I thought there was a slightly better chance that these two guys
might stand a chance of hearing me and getting it right in the future. Judging by their reaction, if I had approached them during the game, I probably would have been tossed.
Joe in Missouri
Joe In Missouri