Zip ties (cable ties) will save your bacon if the chains break. As mentioned, the flourescent ones can also be used to mark the mid-point in the chains- thus allowing you to tell instantly if you are past the mid-point-you can then tell the R on a 5 yard penalty against B that it will be a first down.
Back-up whistle- technically, I wear my back-up on a neck lanyard and my primary is a finger whistle. I broke my primary once, seconds before the opening kickoff, so I had to borrow one off an assistant coach on my sideline. My spare whistle was in my bag in the WH's car. I never take the field now without two.
Golf tees- harder to use now on Field Turf but can be used to mark the box inside the 10 yard line in case he pulls out or also to mark the box on 4th down on a punt where we miss a penalty and the chains have moved. The mechanics manual now tells us to give the box man a beanbag to mark the box location inside the 10.
Reading glasses- as I told an assistant one time on my sideline when he questioned me why I took off my regular glasses after halftime (it was humid that night and they kept fogging up) "Hey, I can see the big stuff, like the ball or your tackle moving. I just can't read my card."