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Old Tue May 19, 2009, 02:42pm
HokieUmp HokieUmp is offline
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Originally Posted by jwwashburn View Post

I did not address it during the game because I thought the chance of them doing anything was remote. They have idiot rats chewing on them all the time. In the heat of the moment, there would be no way for them to distinguish me from an idiot rat.(be quiet Steve! I left the door wide open, I know, I know)
Fair enough. I just feel that, if you wanted the call correct at the time, that's when you need to address it - at that time. If your priority is a 'learning experience,' I still submit that immediately post-game - where they still only know you as Rat, not Fellow Umpire - isn't the place. If Rats want us to "stay out of my dugout," then my reply to Rats is "stay out of my ... er, area-behind-my-trunk-where-I-change."

I approached after the game and asked "May I ask you a question?" Only then did I do it. I had hoped to encourage him to look at the book. When I saw that I was dealing with know-it-all punks, I chose to walk away. I was convinced that my approach was correct..I posted here for feedback.
And that's my feedback - don't go in that 'space' after game. If you didn't want to hear a/my dissenting opinion, don't ask the question.

Look, I have no reason to believe that you were anything but polite, from what I read on the forum. And there might have been more crap flung back at you than should have been, since you're talking about not-quite-fully-formed adults. But I think there's been a tangent or an agenda, because they weren't fully grown men - maybe not by you, but it's certainly coloured the opinions of others here. Are people saying they don't have "know-it-all punks" in their associations, of any/every age group? Really? If so, I want in YOUR group!

And even if you went in with the best of intentions, it's hard to say how THEY felt as they were changing. After some games I do, I'm not in a happy mood: either the play was miserable, I might have kicked something - or at least am unsure of something I did/didn't do - the coaches may have been right b@st@rds, it's hot, etc, etc. The last thing I want is a coach to come and ask a question, then tell me "I think it would be a good idea for you to look that up in your rules book later on." You're telling me "You need to learn the rules," no matter how nicely you've phrased it; since I haven't told you "You need to learn how to coach" - and, boy, many games offer up THAT thought in my head - then don't come telling me how to do my job.

Again, you asked for feedback in the OP, you got it.
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