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Old Tue May 19, 2009, 12:05am
Kevin Finnerty Kevin Finnerty is offline
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Originally Posted by Matt View Post
Not necessarily.

People placed in positions of authority have an initial problem--they now have to exert that authority, but don't have the experience to know what works and what doesn't. When this happens, they default to what they have seen others in the same position do, not realizing that the noticeable actions of those others are an irrepresentative minority and that the majority of actions taken in the exertion of authority are very small and often almost invisible. In other words, they've got to skin the cat, but the messiest way is what they remember, because it sticks out.

This has been shown with cops, military personnel achieving leadership positions for the first time, and others in similar positions. Give them time and guidance--they'll probably get better.
I would tend to agree if these were experienced young men, or anyone with the right to carry guns. These guys are teenagers. And they are, by this account, unacceptably disrespectful of a respectful and respectable adult. They can come back and try again when they grow up and develop a sense of respect and the respectability that comes with it.
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