Originally Posted by jwwashburn
OBS is extremely important at lower levels...injuries WILL happen unless they Umpires call this correctly.
I had to nip one of our moron parents in the bud(nod to Barney) because I heard him telling a couple of guys to just run over them next time.
If these knuckleheads don't call this correctly, some idiot dad WILL tell his idiot kid to hurt someone and he WILL do it.
I had a dad (former D-I first baseman) tell his son and other players stuff like that, and I have to say, "Don't tell them that; that's an illegal slide," or "You can't do that, it's obstruction." It's a joke. Plus, they're teaching kids to go after other kids. As a coach or instructor, I've had to re-train a lot of young players to run the bases legally, and make legal plays around bases when they're fielding. De-brief them is another way to put it.