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Old Fri May 15, 2009, 04:31pm
JRutledge JRutledge is offline
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Originally Posted by just another ref View Post
There is no rule book definition for the term jump stop. It is most commonly considered to be when a player chooses to "jump of that (one) foot and simultaneously land on both. Neither foot can be a pivot in this case." This quote is a part of 4-44-2, which also says this action may be performed by a player "who catches the ball while moving or dribbling...."

A jump stop is not necessarily preceded by a dribble.
I agree there is no "technical" term for a jump stop. But it certainly does not apply to what is considered a jump stop if you are still airborne. You have to have feet on the floor to start a jump stop. The most common move is done while ending a dribble.

Moving and being airborne are two different things in my opinion.

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