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  #3 (permalink)  
Old Fri May 15, 2009, 03:06pm
Posts: n/a
No sayings or one liners to offer but...

After the 'jump stop" there is no pivoting, the player can shoot, pass or request time out.

Due to my early misconceptions about "referee the defense" I also have experienced trouble with missing the lift of the pivot foot before begining the dribble, because I was so locked in on the defender. Now I try to see the whole play WHILE refereeing the defense. I have seen some progression in this category since trying to see the whole play!

Remember if you have to guess, then it didn't happen. Call obvious travels that matter, not the ones that you have to rewind several times to validate.

I still have trouble getting the travels while I'm L, maybe I'm too close to the play? I tell my partners to feel free to come get it in that situation, just give me an opportunity to make the call & make sure you're right

Since we're talking travels, one of my biggest pet peeves is, to call it & the only thing the calling official sees is that the feet moved in excess of the prescribed limits. There is another criteria to it called possession of the ball. So many times the ball may be bobbled, thus travelling should not be called.
Hope this helps!
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