Thread: Charged Visit?
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Old Wed Sep 27, 2000, 08:48pm
Rog Rog is offline
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Question interesting situation

I would like to think that what you say is the case; but, take a quick peek at page 65 of NAPBL under: NOTE!
As much as I'm also inclined to allow the visit; if I read this "note" correctly, I don't believe we can.

Originally posted by Jim Porter
Originally posted by Alan G
You're right, Jim. I disagree.
The reason for limiting the number of trips to a pitcher in the same inning is to prevent delays that would occur if you could come out to talk to the pitcher after each batter. But that limitation must be adhered to, even if the offense calls time.

Your statement suggests that if the offense calls time (batter goes to third base coach to discuss signs, coach goes to bring helmet to runner, etc.) then the defensive manager can talk to the pitcher so long as he's done by the time the offense finishes. Maybe LL handles this differently, but OBR would call it a trip. The OBR rule regarding trips does not refer to any exceptions that I'm aware of.

(IMO, a trip should be charged in both examples raised in the original post.)

[Edited by Alan G on Sep 27th, 2000 at 04:06 PM]

American League Umpires Rules and Regulations, as listed in Make the Right Call, says quite simply, "This rule was adopted by the clubs to speed up games and managers should abide by the spirit of the rule."

Furthermore, "playing coaches" are allowed to visit the mound without being charged as long as they do not abuse the privilege. In youth league, there's no such thing as "playing coaches," so there's an element in the professional rule that cannot possibly occur in youth leagues.

Jim Evans tells us that this rule was adopted in 1967, just when baseball on TV was becoming big business. This is compelling evidence that this rule was adopted for TV. Youth leagues are not played on TV. Youth leagues should not be expected to adhere strictly to the professional code on this matter.

Youth leagues stress instruction as much as competition. Anytime we can give a manager or coach the opportunity to instruct or encourage a player without penalty, we should do so.

I just don't understand your reluctance to accept my opinion. If it doesn't delay the game, and it is impossible for the defense to circumvent the spirit of the rule, what's the harm? I say there is none.
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