Originally Posted by Jerry Blum
Here is a question I have that I might run into:
Ball going out of play. If I recall correctly from playing slowpitch on a ball hit to an infielder and over thrown to 1B that goes out of play all baserunners including batter get base they are going to plus one, correct?
No. Forget the bit about the infielder, first throw, base going to... all that. Forget it completely. On a ball thrown out of play (at any time, from any fielder - only exception being a throw judged intentional to stop play) the base award for all runners is 2 bases from the runner's position at the time of the throw. Doesn't matter which direction the runner was running or which base they were trying to achieve, or which base they last legally (or illegally) touched. The award is 2 bases from the runner's position at the time of the throw.
PS: In case no one has told you, you need a rule book!