Newbie to umping softball.
I'm a basketball official for a number of years and have umped baseball when I was a kid. I'm starting to ump rec league softball and I have a basic idea of how to call a game but I haven't been able to come up with an ASA rule book as yet to get some of the more specific rules.
My biggest questions that will help get me through my first game are about when does the ball become dead and what do I do with baserunners once the play is dead.
Pitching rules, what does a pitcher have to do and what can't they do during the pitch? From watching softball on TV, I believe NCAA using similar to ASA so I believe they have to have 2 feet on the rubber prior to the pitch and their hands must pause. Is that correct and is there anything else?
If there is anything else that you can think of that would come up in a REC game please give me some help.
Thanks for the help.