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Old Mon May 11, 2009, 12:00pm
bkbjones bkbjones is offline
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Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve View Post
No doubt about this one. Rule 10-3.B is clear, no umpire may seek to reverse the decision of another; intervening in this case would be a clear rule violation. Only the PU is empowered to judge swing/no swing, unless PU asks BU if there was a swing.

Once asked by a partner, I believe all umpires need to be truthful about what they saw, not deny to cover; but that truthfulness needs to be in a private conversation, to allow the calling umpire to determine how (and if) the new information will be used. This may require consideration of 10-3.C, where the PU must consider the possible jeopardy of a delayed or changed call. Some bells simply cannot, and should not, be unrung; but that doesn't mean your partner shouldn't tell you the unadulterated truth.

You call what you see, if, and only if, it is your call to make; you tell your partner what you see, if and only if he asks. In postgame, you tell the rest.
I agree 100%...and it was saved for the folding chairs and cooler. The PU, visiting from another association, got kind of upset that BU didn't say anything, even insinuated that I might need to say something. At that point we moved on to more important things and had a spirited discussion about spirits.
An ucking fidiot
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