Originally Posted by bkbjones
Riddle me this, Batman.
I am observing last weekend. No one on, 2-2 count on B1. Of course (aren't they all anymore?) she's a slapper. Takes the ol' running swing thing but pitch is high and inside. She definitely went/offered/slapped at -- and missed, but is hit by the pitch in the upper shoulder. Goes down in a semi-heap. Gets up with able assistance from both base coaches, finally trots down to first. I'm thinking well, someone has got to say something about went/offered/slapped, DC or someone. Not a peep.
What is YOUR thinking? Should BU intervene? When asked after game, BU said would not do anything until/unless asked. Head coach for OC is also ISF certified (team was from Canada). I asked him afterwards to put his umpire hat on, and he also said no intervention by BU until asked -- but that was just his opinion (his words). Also said as OC he likely would have been ejected if BU had intervened...
Why would BU even want to intervene? There is an entire defensive team that should be yelling "she swang she swang!"
BU is not a defensive coach.
Agree with Steve who said it much better..