Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
Plausible deniability gets you done on Friday afternoon. Handling what happens on your game is an umpire that may work Sunday.
Riddle me this, Batman.
I am observing last weekend. No one on, 2-2 count on B1. Of course (aren't they all anymore?) she's a slapper. Takes the ol' running swing thing but pitch is high and inside. She definitely went/offered/slapped at -- and missed, but is hit by the pitch in the upper shoulder. Goes down in a semi-heap. Gets up with able assistance from both base coaches, finally trots down to first. I'm thinking well, someone has got to say something about went/offered/slapped, DC or someone. Not a peep.
What is YOUR thinking? Should BU intervene? When asked after game, BU said would not do anything until/unless asked. Head coach for OC is also ISF certified (team was from Canada). I asked him afterwards to put his umpire hat on, and he also said no intervention by BU until asked -- but that was just his opinion (his words). Also said as OC he likely would have been ejected if BU had intervened...