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Old Sun May 10, 2009, 09:46am
wadeintothem wadeintothem is offline
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I've called it and I've not called it. I think its a case by case thing. If my partner is lost somewheres, I can call it and have. If he/she is right on it well then I leave it to them.

Whatever you do, I dont believe you should invent a dead ball call in conversation later. If you dont call it, then its done. I dont think you should later be telling a coach you saw a dead ball situation but didnt call it (even a delayed dead ball). Any coach who knows what he is doing will eat you alive, and rightfully so. You would deserve whatever you got for doing that.

As far as I'm concerned, a dead ball situation is not even a "go for help deal". We shouldnt be discussing that. I'm not going to my partner on one either. If the situation is different, I'm not reversing it if you didnt call it. If you come to me on a dead ball call, my answer is "If I saw a ddb/dead ball, I would have immediately called it."

You can post game it later if you did not initially call it.

Last edited by wadeintothem; Sun May 10, 2009 at 09:50am.
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