Originally Posted by AtlUmpSteve
There is one, and only one rule that might apply. If, in the umpires' sole judgment, they are distracting, then the umpire may require the pitcher to remove them.
It isn't automatic, it isn't black and white, and the opinion of the opposing coach matters no more than his opinion of your strike zone.
And you know as well as I that it only takes one "umpire" to buy into the coach's opinion and every other umpire in the game is going to be a target for this coach who just doesn't understand.
Follow up: I wonder where an umpire gets the idea, other than from a whiney coach, that this is actually an issue upon which they should rule?
The "reflection" argument is lame as you can get the same glare off of any pair of glasses if hit by the sun at the right angle.