Varsity double header last week. Parent sitting directly behind home plate and above me. He had a really good look at location of pitch with the contruction of the stands as they were. He was the father of the home team pitcher.
First pitch of the game is on the outside corner and I call a strike. He moans and says, "It is going to be a long night." It was his daughter pitching. When his team was up to bat in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd innings, he had something to say on every pitch. In the 3rd inning, I asked the catcher whose father it was, she said "It is precious's father, the pitcher." She followed immediately with, "I will take care of him." She got up and went to pick a foul ball on the next pitch and says, loud enough for everyone to hear, "We have heard you enough, go find a new seat and let precious pitch!"
We went to top row and precious started to pitch much better.
Now that is game management!