I do not consider this a "fan ejectable" offense.
I have in the past - had a fan ejected by a TD, had a coach handle his fan, ejected a fan myself.
Is there something in the book that gives me that authority? Not really, its my blue shirt that does.
In championship play when there are TDs and UICs and those in authority - so they can deal with it. I would rather they deal with it. Not all games are that organized.
If I'm on my own and find I need to handle it, I will.
For the most part, fans can be ignored or handled in such a way you dont need to eject, especially over a simple comment like "youre blind, you blew it". You can say nothing, ignore it, say something like "well I always blow at least one".
IMO, its not about ego - as an ump you just can't be thin skinned or insecure about your calls. A quick ejection would more indicate insecurity in your ability than you having a big ego.
I had a coach last night whimpering about a crow hop. Its 1 man rec.. I dont believe there was a crow up, actually not to worried aobut it in any any case, but to be sure when watching her during warm ups there was no crow hop - and it would have to be pretty obvious for me to call it in 1 man. Anyway, the coach is whining about to the point I have to warn him, because I dont want to hear it anymore, I'm in 1 man, and I'm not going to call it even if it is slightly happening since I dont believe I can judge that from where I am, its frustrating the pitcher, and its just generally riling things up..but the coach already has the fans going . "This blue is letting her double crow AND step back" (that would be obviously even worser than a simple crow hop I guess) "Wow how is he not calling that" - after awhile, since I shut the coach up.. they shut up about it and I didnt hear anything else about it. Just leave it be in terms of fans - handle your game between the lines, and it works itself out.