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Old Thu May 07, 2009, 12:37pm
PeteBooth PeteBooth is offline
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Originally Posted by HokieUmp View Post

My main b--ch about time limit games is the complete lack of reality by the leagues. If they have 2, 3, whatever, 2:00 games they want played, can you guess how they schedule them? Right - at 10:00, 12:00, 14:00, etc. (Remember, it's "no new inning after 2:00") It'd be one thing if they were new umpire crews every game, so he could "change lines" like hockey, but you just get behind. Which puts pressure on the umpires to get the next game rolling, but we're trying to get back to the cars to change. Oy.....
I hear you but depending upon how many games each crew has it's possible to limit the change-overs.

Say you and your partner are scheduled for 4 games. Each of you is going to do 2 plates, therefore, you only need one change-over.

If you only have the 2 games then perhaps you can work it out where you take the 2 plates on say Saturday and your partner takes the 2 plates on Sunday.

Bring plenty of fluids, a quick snack etc. so that you can be ready to go in say 5 minutes.

It works out real well if there are 3 of you who are covering the ENTIRE day's games. Each umpire will then get plenty of rest and a PU ready to go when the game ends.

In addition during these tournaments you get the Mercy Rule and can pick up time that way.

In any event in a 2 hour time limit game I agree the games should be scheduled 1/2 hour apart. In other words 9AM for game one 11:30 AM for game 2 so on and so forth. At the very minimum at least a 15 minute differential

which leads us back to when the clock starts.

In your example the clock better be starting as soon as the plate meeting ends otherwise you can get really backed up.

Summary: If you can, one person should do 2 plates to limit the change-overs. HOWEVER, with that said, it's only a GAME so make certain you and your partner have plenty of fluids and something to eat.

Pete Booth
Peter M. Booth
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